Goals, on the other hand, don't feel so rigid. It seems to me like in setting a goal, I am tasked with deciding what is important to me and figuring out what I can do to work toward reaching a desired result. The path to that desired goal may not be obvious at the outset. Reaching a goal requires constant and creative engagement from me through the entire process of working toward that end. If I feel like I am not making progress, I have the freedom to re-evaluate both my process and the goal itself. Flexibility. Gray area. Creativity. That is the difference to me. I need goals.
I have set a few goals for myself for 2017.
- To be more intentional with how I spend my time.
- To write regularly.
- To knit more than in 2016.
That's all.
I may need to amend or change my goals as the year progresses, but for now, this is where I am.
As part of my goal to knit more, I accepted a challenge from a friend to knit a Temperature Blanket this year. With this project, temperature ranges are assigned a specific color of yarn. Each day, you knit one row of the color that corresponds to the daily high temperature in your area. I definitely did not knit even one row a day in 2016, so, if I persevere with this project, I will meet my goal of knitting more in 2017 than in 2016.
1/365 - Fresh Start
As digits change
The year's colors appear
One day at a time.
KEB 1/1/17